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How to improve your backstroke – Flip Turn Drill!

Often swimmers have difficulty gauging their distance from the wall during backstroke. When approaching the wall they can become apprehensive about hitting it, therefore lose momentum when lifting their feet over their head, as well as leaving too much distance between their landing and the wall.

In this flip turn drill, start with your arms extended out in front of you, with palms placed flat against the wall. Place your head down, and reach into a stream line position. Kick into your legs.

Without hesitating or lifting your head up, use your arms to turn your body. In this 180 degree turn, you are pulling your feet over your head and drawing your hands behind your head, like in a somersault.

This drill allows you to be close enough to land your feet on the wall. It should also teach you that you must use your own body momentum to complete the turn. Keep your head down and tuck your legs in to make a small ball, using your arms to pull yourself over.

The end position should see your knees bent, preparing for a push off with upper body and arms prepared for a streamline.