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Are you ready for your first triathlon race? Here’s how to find out

Except for those predestined athletes or those who began at a very early age, what usually gets people to take part in their first triathlon race is the idea of taking on an impossible challenge, managing to overcome a really tough hurdle and feeling ready for anything.

Okay, but how can you tell you are ready for it? When can you make your Olympic triathlon debut (1.5 km – 40 km – 10 km), what level of fitness do you need to complete the event without doing your body any harm?

First and foremost you must be ready to handle an effort that lasts well over 2 hours and you can test this out on a bike.

Asking you to swim or run for 2 hours would be too much, but asking you to attempt it on a bike – obviously after a period of specific training – is the best way to test out your physical endurance.

You need to be sure you can complete 4 types of training session, one for swimming, one for the bike, one for running and a brick session. There are no precise, objective guidelines, but I am more than happy to give you mine:


Tot 2900 m


Tot 60km


Tot 15km


During this final session you should make your transitions fast and tidy, so as to train properly for these extremely tiring and energy-sapping moments in the race.

Can you complete these four sessions without feeling completely exhausted? Then what is stopping you from entering your first race?

Best of luck!