We swimmers are all different. We have distinct personalities, totally different routines and definite preferences when it comes to swim strokes and distances. But there is something we all have in common at the beginning of each new year and that is the desire to set new goals, put ourselves to the test and compete to try and improve!
2016 has just begun and we have all set different targets as the new year begins. Some people would like to perfect a new swim stroke, others will be attempting adventuress open-water swims and others still will be concentrating on technique; nevertheless, there are certain resolutions that every swimmer should makes year after year, so that they can achieve their goals without dithering.
No injuries this year!
Sore knees for the breaststroke swimmer, back pains for the butterfly swimmer or the dreaded swimmer’s shoulder are all just waiting to pounce. And the feeling that, just as we are about to really start training hard and effectively, that “nagging little pain” has come along to disrupt our plans! How often have we been tormented by these thoughts? Perhaps we cannot avoid injuries, but we can certainly learn to listen to our bodies more, without ignoring tiredness or overtraining.
Always in time to warmup in 2016!
If we are constantly being told off by our coach for being late for every training session, then the time has come to remember that punctuality is important, as is warming up properly. Those first 400 metres after a few minutes’ stretching can make all the difference in training effectively!
No PIT-STOPS during training
No excuses this year, no tricks and, above all, no PIT-STOPS to deliberately miss one of the sets in our training plan!
Goals… need to be achieved!
Setting a target and working hard to achieve it can make all the difference to our training. So let’s make sure we do not lose motivation, enthusiasm or energy. Let’s focus on achieving our goal. This will make our training more meaningful, so that we are always in the right mood when we arrive at the pool.
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Valeria Molfino is a 30-year-old with lots of stories to tell. She is a keen swimmer and runner but, above all, passionate about writing. She has always been a Blogger and loves to observe and describe people and their relationships, grasping all the most deeply hidden nuances and connections. She has a degree in Media Languages to give her a deeper understanding of communication and a Master’s in Multimedia Communication, so that she can express herself more methodically and concisely. For her swimming is not just a sport, but a means of expressing freedom and lightness.