Training is like a dish served in a Michelin-starred restaurant: it must contain ingredients that make it appetising and enjoyable for even the finest palates.
To make a training session really tasty, it must include three basic ingredients:
1. It must be challenging. It must put you to the test physically, mentally, technically and tactically.
2. It must involve a progression. It must become more difficult as you go on, in terms of speed, breathing rate, rests and number of reps.
3. It must make you swim faster in a race. Training must really make a difference to your performances.
This swim set is a real killer and teaches you how to swim fast with only short rests. It should be performed as follows:
Repeat this set 3 times. Then add an extra 50/100/50 each week until you can complete 5-8 sets in one single session.
This set is really tough and only recommended for experienced swimmers.
Even the name of this set is rather frightening and it really is a nightmare for lots of swimmers. It is a very simply “designed” set but, if performed properly and at maximum effort, it is extremely hard to complete.
It consists of 6 x 100 m swum in your own stroke on 6:00 minutes … all performed at top speed and just 3/5 seconds slower than your personal best.
You can perform these swim sets in any order you like. Order may be important but execution is much more so.
Even the very best training set will not help you achieve your goals if performed badly. So try and swim your very best at maximum effort.
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Swim coaches, trainers and experts will give you all kinds of tips for performing at your best in both training and races.