There are two schools of thought when it comes to the best outfit to wear for going to the swimming pool. Some girls put on their best clothes because they always like to look stylish, while others, like me, always turn up for training in a tracksuit, because there is no better feeling after a hard day’s work than taking off those tightfitting jeans and putting on comfortable leggings!
Of course, this is just a matter of personal preference, but the real problems begin when you are arranging an evening out after training, perhaps in a nightclub with a very strict dress code. What should you do in this case?
Make-up and swimming goggles
Do you look like a panda at the end of training due to the marks left around your eyes by your swimming goggles? If you are a beauty addict, you will certainly have found a way of avoiding this unpleasant inconvenience. If, on the other hand, you are still struggling to solve this problem, do not worry! Buy a corrector for the under-eye area, foundation and a mascara, these three products will let you create a ‘non-make-up’ make-up effect and hide the marks left after training.
The training bag issue…
One of the main dilemmas on a night out is what to do with your training bag: you cannot turn up at a night club carrying your training bag! So, it is vital you place your handbag, complete with make-up and everything else you need, inside your training bag. You can leave your training bag in the car and grab your trendy handbag, nobody will be able to tell you have been working out in the pool before turning up at the club!
…and those wet clothes!
There is nothing worse than feeling as if you are wearing damp, creased clothes, but how often have we left our favourite outfit in our swim bag only to find it damp and soggy at the end of training? Fortunately, it is very easy to avoid all this: always remember to have some plastic bags with you, so you can keep your outfit for clubbing separate from your swimsuits and equipment. This is a very simple tip but absolutely vital for making sure your evening wear does not get wet or creased.
One final tip. Do not worry if your skin smells of chlorine, after all it is thanks to all that chlorine that you can show off those fantastic swimmer’s shoulders underneath the clothes you have chosen for your night out! 🙂
Written by:
Valeria Molfino is a 30-year-old with lots of stories to tell. She is a keen swimmer and runner but, above all, passionate about writing. She has always been a Blogger and loves to observe and describe people and their relationships, grasping all the most deeply hidden nuances and connections. She has a degree in Media Languages to give her a deeper understanding of communication and a Master’s in Multimedia Communication, so that she can express herself more methodically and concisely. For her swimming is not just a sport, but a means of expressing freedom and lightness.