High intensity interval training and performance

Training & Technique
Written by: Arena at 1 March '17 0
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In cooperation with Sport Science Lab

In the context of training, “optimal stimulus” refers to how dose-response is perfectly calibrated to physiological adaptation. Would you like to know how to maximize your results? Stay with us for the next 90 seconds and you will.

Planning a training workout focused on performance is not easy. Applying a scientific, evidence-based method can therefore be useful, practical and will introduce different approaches with which to achieve results from your athletes. HIIT – high intensity interval training – is an evidence-based technique that can be helpful in this context.

For athletes, training can take on a number of different forms that deliver a range of different stimuli. Continuous- or interval-training can be selected as one option. Low-volume, high-intensity and high-volume low-intensity methods can both improve cardiac and skeletal muscle metabolic function.

HIIT is a method has a long research history and a significant level of field experience. However, if you want to be sure that your plan will be successful, experience only is not enough.

HIIT typically delivers an important cardiopulmonary response; however, other factors can also be affected, e.g., anaerobic glycolytic energy contribution, neuromuscular load and musculoskeletal strain. While evidence justifies the improvements indicated, the latest research concerning HIIT indicates that the effect is optimal when athletes spend more time in the “red zone”, with training intensity greater than 90% of V02 max.

The correct intensity is needed for the correct volume within a specific period of time. HIIT is a good approach for achieving new adaptation, but is not always an easy option. Efforts to better understand HIIT can often change your perception of training.

HIIT utilizes three integrated processes of the metabolic system: ATP and phosphocreatine, anaerobic glycolysis and oxidative metabolism. To achieve the desired improvement in any sport, from sprinters to endurance athletes, the perfect manipulation of nine variables is required: training and the duration of intensity, intensity and the duration of recovery, training mode, number of repetitions and number of sets, and the intensity and duration of recovery between sets.

By using HIIT, you will achieve a number of interesting results. One of the most important among these is extending duration in the “T limit”, e.g., the lap times a swimmer is able to achieve, or running and cycling at the speed of Vo2max. Therefore, planning HIIT according to scientific evidence is a great opportunity for improving results.

Discover more at http://www.sportsciencelab.uk/


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