A Swimmer's life
Swimmers have an abundant amount of everyday issues to face. That much is clear. How about when we combine the constant struggles of lactic acid buildup, annoying lane mates or …
Training & Technique
The first thing to recognize with breaststroke, is that is it’s the slowest of the four strokes and the least efficient. It is the stroke in which you are most …
A Swimmer's life
Your first day swimming with a new team is a bit like your first day at school. You will feel strangely nervous in the locker room and start thinking: “I …
Training & Technique
Gymnastics as a training aid for swimming. There is nothing strange about that, we are just talking about a revolutionary training method used by Andrea Di Nino for his team …
Fitness & Wellness
What should you drink to recover after a training session? Which nutrients aid recovery and in what quantities should they be consumed? What kinds of food and drink are ideal …
Fitness & Wellness
Water offers many wellness benefits: it has therapeutic properties, it serves as an ideal setting for sports, and it promotes relaxation and body awareness. Water is fundamental to our existence. …
Fitness & Wellness
Going barefoot at the pool isn’t the best idea. Choose a good pair of pool sandals to give you grip on wet surfaces and help keep your feet healthy.
Elite Team
Lotte Friis’ swimming journey started in her native Denmark, took in a stint in France and is now anchored in the United States where she will remain with the 2016 …
Events & Competitions
We have developed a swimsuit that not only performs at the highest level, it also allows you to communicate directly with us. By simply holding your smartphone over the new …
Training & Technique
The management of our emotions is certainly a very complicated aspect to deal with. Imagine our body as a race car, which has a tachometer counting engine’s revolutions. The best …