Fitness & Wellness
You can take your child to the swimming pool from the very tender age of three months and enrol them on a useful, playful and instructive swimming course. Many paediatricians …
Training & Technique
You can get the best out of your body using psycho-physical relaxation techniques. Find out how! We have already taken a look, several times, at those physical disciplines that can …
Triathlon & Open Water
I am already halfway there. Time passes quickly. And soon the first “test” races will begin. I cannot wait! After months and months of training with my head down in …
Fitness & Wellness
Swimming has many benefits both physical and psychological. It is a complete sport, suitable for all ages and is useful for increasing muscle tone, strengthening bones and even the skeletal …
Training & Technique
This article describes three alternative exercises useful for all four swim strokes, which will help you strengthen your shoulders (and not just your shoulders). Statistically speaking, shoulder injuries are the …
Training & Technique
v = (Pm*Ep)/D At first this strange formula would appear to have nothing to do with swimming in a pool, but science tells us that a swimmer’s speed is studied …
Triathlon & Open Water
Nutrition after prolonged physical exercise (over two hours) is just as important as what you eat before or during physical exertion. The issue of nutrition is a very interesting aspect …
Fitness & Wellness
Here are 4 types of vegan food that are highly recommended for a sportsperson/swimmer. We recently discovered there really are vegan swimmers. So, let’s look at four types of food …
Fitness & Wellness
With the term water fitness, we can group together a vast universe of activities, dynamic and fun, to do in addition to classic swimming and its 4 styles. Activities that …
Training & Technique
“Posture influences strength, injury risk, and performance. Learn why swimmers have poor posture and even the term “Swimmers Posture” named after them.” A rounded spine and forward head posture are …