3 Answers to the most common doubts amongst open-water swimmers
Today we’ll try to answer a series of questions that often go through the minds of open-water athletes. QUESTION #1 One of the most common questions, especially during the summer …
Today we’ll try to answer a series of questions that often go through the minds of open-water athletes. QUESTION #1 One of the most common questions, especially during the summer …
If you’re thinking about starting to compete in triathlons, it’s important for you to understand that the fatigue of your workouts won’t be your only issue. Triathlon is an intense …
Cramps have the capability of making it temporarily impossible of using the effected muscle. They can either be light contractions, like a sting or light spasm, or more painful episodes that …
Things don’t always go as planned. Competitions are often full of unpredicted moments, risks and unexpected episodes that disrupt the otherwise perfect competition that we’d planned so perfectly. Usually one …
A common mistake is to consider the triathlon as the sum of three different disciplines. In fact, it is a multiple-stage competition where, through transitions, are blended together three sports, …
Even for triathletes the time has finally come to take a well-earned rest. The season has finally come to an end and, after taking stock of the season that has …
Jeane Collonge is a French professional triathlete and two times Ironman champion. I like having a long freestyle warm-up 15×100 (2 complete/2 pullbuoy/1 legs) at increasing intensity (5 laps easy, …
When preparing for an open-water race, a swimmer must try and control as many factors as possible, everything from their training in the water to nutrition. Unfortunately, there is one …
It is often said that you can tell a woman’s personality from what she carries in her bag… adapting that to triathletes, we might say that: “tell us what you …
Getting to know Marc-Antoine Olivier Following his 10km bronze medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, Marc-Antoine Olivier confirmed that he is one of the best open water swimmers …