Paddles, tips for optimum use during backstroke
We have already talked about the paddle in our blog (The power is in your hands) and of the role they play in correcting the stroke, increasing the strength and the …
We have already talked about the paddle in our blog (The power is in your hands) and of the role they play in correcting the stroke, increasing the strength and the …
One of the distinctive things about backstroke swimming is that your breathing is not really affected by the water: we swim with our stomachs facing upwards and we decide when …
Get back into your workout routine with dryland training! After the holidays (which you’ve most likely spent being lazy and eating :)) or a long pause getting back into your …
We have already seen that dry-land training can be useful when resuming swimming after a break, particularly when the pool is not available (Dryland training to get active again – …
Going to the pool is, obviously, one of our favourite things here at arena! Experienced swimmers and professionals, not to mention keen amateurs and anybody else confident in the water, all know which accessories they need to take with them in their swim bag and how to prepare for training sessions in …
In this article, we will be giving you three invaluable tips about the best way to resume training. According to a famous Italian song from the 1980s “The summer is …
If you’re thinking about going for a refreshing swim in your favourite lake this summer, keep these common-sense tips in mind to make sure you stay safe. Throughout the summer, …
It goes without saying: when choosing women’s swimwear for the beach, looks definitely count. Deciding whether to opt for a bikini or one-piece for your days on the beach is …
Water is the essential element that connects us all – both as human beings and lovers of aquatic sports, and we want to take active part in protecting it as …
Did you know that a primitive form of breaststroke is believed to be the very first movement performed by a human being to move forward through the water? So, the …