Fitness & Wellness
10 things you need to know before going to the pool for the first time
Going to the pool is, obviously, one of our favourite things here at arena! Experienced swimmers and professionals, not to mention keen amateurs and anybody else confident in the water, all know which accessories they need to take with them in their swim bag and how to prepare for training sessions in …
Fitness & Wellness
Fitness at the Beach, part 1 – Getting Exercise on a Beach Holiday
If you’re on a beach holiday with family or friends who just want to relax, you can still get some exercise. Here are a few activities you can do on …
Fitness & Wellness
Running and Swimming: calorie-burning work-outs for the summer
Sport is essential for getting in shape for the summer. So how can you burn fat and calories by swimming and running? Here’s a training plan for the summer. One …
Fitness & Wellness
A plunge with Fido: benefits of swimming for dogs
From the game to rehabilitation, from muscle strengthening to slimming. The many benefits of swimming don’t only affect us but also our four-legged friends. For dogs, water activities are a …
Fitness & Wellness
Swimmer’s Knee From Breaststroke: Causes and Prevention
Most people think of swimmer’s shoulder as the most common swimming injury, but have you ever thought about knee pain as a swimming-related injury? Swimmer’s knee mostly affects breaststroke swimmers …
Fitness & Wellness
How to increase our self-esteem with swimming
Among the many benefits of swimming, which we have already spoken of on several occasions, we can also increase our self-esteem thanks to the attainment of clearly defined objectives, to …
Fitness & Wellness
Stretching for swimmers: a vital ally for your training
Let’s see how your swimming can benefit from stretching! There is plenty of writing, reading and interest in training seen as exercise in preparation for something. There is very little …
Fitness & Wellness
5 types of food for strengthening your immune defences
During periods of light training, here is how to remain healthy by strengthening your immune defences. Let’s discover the properties of certain foods that help keep our immune system strong …
Fitness & Wellness
The importance of hydration for swimmers
Hydration for swimmers is perhaps one of the most underestimated aspects. Find out what, how much and when it is important for a swimmer to drink! Bearing in mind that …
Fitness & Wellness
Returning to the pool after the holidays: the 5 mistakes you should avoid!
September, time to return to the ranks and abandon that state of suspended grace and holiday feel typical of summer. This is also the month of new beginnings and new goals, …